Toronto (Recommended)
Original Tricking Starter Coach
MWF Madness is [Team Ryouko] Allen Keng's Open Gym and beginner Tricking / Acro program. He offers instruction on Trampoline, Conditioning, Acrobatics, Stunts, Tricking & More !
It’s easily the best place to get your start in Tricking.
I got my first backflip in 2007 because of Allen Keng lol. I appreciate it, Thank you Allen !
Also, my friends Nicco and Yusuf, who would go on to be legendary canadian trickers, were amongst the first wave who got started under Allen’s program. We all met there and made community videos that would go on to be the foundation of our generation ! Generation II.
If anyone is interested, def support his program.
Toronto (Former Recommendation)
Gen II Community Pioneer
Nicco Miranda has contributed towards various projects within the Toronto Tricking Community over the years. He has been the artistic face of many of the events that have been organized, and has contributed to other ventures outside of tricking and even outside of Toronto.
He's an amazing artist who has always been at the core of the Toronto Tricking Community.
Nicco has contributed towards Battle Oasis Posters and other promotional material for events held ! From about 2007 ~ 2018 he’s helped a lot.
I want to give a personal thank u to Nicco because he was an artist way before any of us, and showed us the power of art in here in Canada.
I personally do time lapse videos and showing my process as an artist when it comes to apparel specifically because of this man.
As of 2024 I must update this page to include that I do appreciate the past contributions that Nicco made towards Canadian projects, but he has since crossed the lines of common moral decency and is now no longer an artist that I can promote, due to the immense political corruption that he affilates with and supports in the form of Toronto Tricking and the Kerbit Collective.
Thank you Nicco for the contributions you once made towards a good cause !
Toronto (Former Recommendation)
1st Tricking Gym
The Monkey Vault has provided a learning grounds for many in the Toronto Tricking Community, and together we’ve hosted numerous Tricking Gatherings from 2010 onward.
Of my own,
Specifically Saiyan Gathering, Battle Night & the Battle Oasis circuit have been hosted here.
Thanks Monkey Vault for being so accommodating !
Dan Iaboni ( Owner ) has always been friendly to the community.
I personally have literally been to all 4 iterations of the Monkey Vault & was declared the first tricker in the history of the sport to step foot & trick at the first ever Canadian Tricking Gym. Huge honour.
Update 2024
I do have to say that I cannot and will not condone the activities that the monkey vault now permits under it’s protection carried out by the Kerbit Collective. They have been found engaged in corruption in competition and I have witnessed with my own eyes the degradation of what was once a great Canadian enterprise. Thank you for the past help, Dan & The Monkey Vault, but I cannot continue to work with these individuals.
Sauga Trickers
Utopia Tricking has only once collabed with Sauga for a Battle Event.
They gave me the middle seat and we got to see the next generation level up !
It was fun judging and seeing what the crew is up to out there !
Thank you !