Figuring out who I want to become and why.
David Milner ~ Seasons of Life ~ 2007 to Present
Absolutely insane going through and looking at my very first tricks to where I am currently and all the different phases I've gone through inbetween.
It always pisses me off so much when I see over the years so many trickers who have the potential to make tricking a life long journey but are torn from it. I think all I have looking back is the journey I have been on and learning from it, growing in new and different ways each year. To me it is more valuable than anything money can buy. It is a reflection of everything, and I am ultra proud to keep track of it.
I can't count how many times I've been tempted to be pulled from tricking, from injuries to illness and tragedies, but my absolute love for this sport and for the pure art of it has always kept me at it.
Even if I don't give a fuck about the wreckless druggie culture tricking has become and how much its consumed trickers themselves, like some non-mainstream artist i'm just in it for the love OF the art itself, regardless of popularity. I’ve had to learn how to navigate away from those who been losing sight and focus mainly on just the Original Values of Tricking itself. There’s a few people I admire who understand that at this point and I now find myself in a position to gauge whether the sport is moving on track or if people are deviating away. 15 years later I remain firm as representing what Tricking has always been about. Both a blessing and a curse.
Tricking was birthed from karate competitions where battlers introduced different “tricks” to their forms in order to separate themselves from their competitors. Modifying these tricks and giving them special names, and even giving themselves a signature “tricker” name. Tricking has always been about separating yourself and standing out as different but ironically as I get older I see more and more people are becoming the same, while losing the need to represent their unique vision in the forms of Samplers and are no longer even giving advice in the form of Tutorials out there for free. That’s the spirit and it has not been carried forward strongly I feel.
I hate seeing potential go to waste by means of having been guided in the WRONG direction, and I see this time and again as dictated by social behaviours. Pisses me off even more when people knowingly encourage wrongful behaviour to see people with potential get lost. It’s got so bad I’m now seeing entire communities not experiencing the greatness that once existed in my earlier years. Losers have a tendency to be happy to see those who are the brightest, die out. That's why I live life the way I do so firmly. I need to encourage everyone I see who truly has a passion for Tricking not to let life’s hardships keep them. When I see people gladly and happily failing from their goals I’ll at the least have to encourage them not to go down that route. Often leads me to getting punished for even trying but it’s my responsibility to at least be a representative of the sport at this point to try. I’ve come to know when people are trying to steer me or others in the wrong direction, and I know when they’re doing it because they’re afraid. I can’t just accept this behaviour. I have to be the kind of person who actively is there to capture people in their best moments and encourage continued success and discourage the subtle yet prominent evils that exist in the social hierarchy that I’ve seen arise over the years.
When people quit tricking, I can understand because I've probably gone through something similar but yet I know how to remain bright despite it; diet and lifestyle choices, living clean being a big part of that. I'd rather work towards preventing the next gens from making the same mistakes us older gens did. We literally have an obligation to go forwards in life, not backwards.
I have for more than a decade studied the art and understand it in it's most pure form. The more I see tricking become mainstream and bought, losing the essence of what we all started with, the more I say FUCK THAT and go even deeper in a singular direction, one that has lead me to finding myself, my own inner happiness and strengths and an endless passion to continue to pursue this love I have. The politics is insane. It seems when people tie their social identity with tricking, especially when money is involved, is when I see their worst human traits come out in order to protect the reputations and image they’ve build for themselves. It’s because of this I’ve almost disavowed an interest in making Tricking a source of revenue. I already built my own career separately in order to be on top of that area of life.
I think more people should wake up and realize that socializing and Tricking are two separate components, finding the right balance between the two, while not losing sight of oneself and still maintaining what it means to even be a Tricker. At the end of the day I suppose it is people’s decision where they want to end their journey but, I find often people are afraid to leave the warm box of clout they’ve built for themselves out of fear of being judged and rejected. Is why I am okay with being rejected or hated. At the end of the day, I base my happiness and success on my own progress. I’m still going for a reason.
I believe in constant re-invention and evolution, yet respecting the roots.
Failure is part of learning, but it’s harder for people to fail, especially publicly, the older they get and the longer they’ve been in the game. This has really hurt my generation from progressing.
Which is why I’ve decided to stray from the social aspects quite strongly. I would rather be treated poorly for actively resisting peer pressures to conform and would rather become an outcast if it means being truly happy in my journey. Through this I’ve discovered areas of Tricking that are as yet untapped. Not trying to fit in leads to hitting oil IMO. I constantly want to focus on becoming more me than just doing whatever I can to get likes and followers. It’s not necessary for me to feel validated on my journey. I find that people who love and accept me for who I am are the real ones.
It's my relationship between me and tricking, no one else. I do have to give my respect and appreciation to some key figures over the years though !
There’s a reason I’ve become gratitude-oriented. I recognized how many people gave me so much positive motivation and encouragement, directly and indirectly, which helped to mold me into the person I am.
I do enjoy being given credit but only for the stuff I came upon myself. There are other people who inspired me, such as the below:
Allen Keng, a member of Team Ryouko, the team that got me into XSD. Allen Keng taught me my first backflip, and gave me the space and guidance to begin my Tricking journey.
Nicco Miranda is a day 1. He has always been supportive and gave me the inspiration to pay it forward and do for others what he's done for me. I'm always happy to pick up the camera and film for anyone who reminds me of the way things used to be. I’ve literally never had an argument with him, haha. He’s a great guy, great Tricker, and a great artist too !
Rasmus Ott is the first tricker who I fell inlove with for being what I consider to be the perfect representation of a Tricker. To me, he was always "outside" of the sport. Sure, he was a participant, but he had more in his life going on than just Tricking, there's more to people than just their tricks, and long before me, he was already juicing, eating healthy, while also creating his own image of Tricking. To me, he represented the art perfectly, and stayed true to himself. At first I did I want to trick like him, but later, in understanding what he represents, I decided to pursue being Myself, creating my own image of Tricking and coming into my own. That’s what he represents, being your own person, having your own style, doing your own thing, while still having a life outside of Tricking responsibly. Thank you Rasmus, for being a positive inspiration !
DurianRider & Life Regererator helped me to live a clean lifestyle, of taking care of and understanding nutrition, healing, self love, taking care of one’s own body as well as being a responsible citizen of our planet. Our actions have such an impact on the environment and the lives of innocents. I cannot in good faith be so selfish, especially not when I feel and am doing so well in life avoiding the need to be using animals for my own gain. I don't know if I can eat another animal product again in my life. I genuinely do not have the desire. I am genuinely very happy and encouraged to keep going in this direction in life, thanks to these two. My life is brighter and more promising, because of this direction.
Will always cherish my Mom and Dad for all the love and support.
I will continue to be in search of and find even more myself through this art & I am eternally grateful.
I can't wait to see more of what life has in store !
- David