Update 16 - Monday, February 10th 2020

Haha ^_^

So, it’s been a while, figure I’d update. Could imagine my 2025/2030/35/40, etc self looking back feeling proud, as I look back and am so happy I’m me, that I’m still doing this, basically !

As arrogant of a statement as it is, I think it’s well earned.

Life is hard. I love it though. I constantly strive to gain the necessary fortitude to be able to withstand harder conditions, rather than make life easier, I’d say. I train hard, I work hard to build the life I have, I’m living more than I ever believed in myself that I could, and life only keeps getting better.

I chose to go Vegan at a time where it is unpopular, because my intuition lead me to it. It’s not easy to willingly choose to do something that makes you a minority or an outsider. But my intuition has lead me to all of it, and I’m so proud to follow my heart and dreams and that I don’t choose to conform to beliefs and ideals based on popularity or based on acceptance of others. Man fuck it ! I could be hated, but at least I will be hated for who I am, but likewise, the genuine love I get for who I am, and not loved for who people think I am, it’s way more fulfilling, and so is life !

Really good block of training since my latest advancement at work since October. Year membership at Monkey Vault means I have a greater level of consistency and tricking convenience. Super grateful, I remember going to Dan’s open gym classes since before he owned a gym, now 3 gyms later, and he’s still providing me the space to learn. Gyros was a lot of fun. Allen Keng taught me my first back flip, I’m grateful ! But I also prefer to have a wide area of space and ability to train when I need to and not on specific days and times. I mean, grateful for everything, ofcourse, but right now life is just about perfect with my current setup.

Having the consistency to trick 3-4x a week with quality sessions with 1x conditioning per week has been giving me wicked results. Similar to my 2018 lifestyle, but better.

I had to grind hard af late 2018 and most of 2019. I made an advancement at work that gave me an insane work schedule, coupled with going harder at conditioning than I ever had in life, in addition to going on 11 trips around the world last year, aaand a lower back/spinal injury while still competing means that my tricking .. did kind of suffer a bit. I .. may have worked a bit too hard last year xD But it’s okay.

In the last 4 months I’ve reclaimed a lot and began to excel in areas of tricking I didn’t expect to. There’s some stuff I had in 2018 I still don’t have, yet.. but I will. I’ve been 1-3 shotting everything, and my base skill level is at high, but still, not as high as I want it to be.

Life can always set you back in the things you love to do. With injuries, or just life being difficult, but it’s never an excuse to stop pursuing your dreams. I can’t imagine a better life, and i’m so proud that I’m not a politician or pretending to like people or things I genuinely don’t. I learned to really stop caring about what others think, and working only with people and ideas that genuinely work with me, and I them. Life is so much better when you actually get to be yourself. Never be a double trying to pretend to be someone else ! Listen to your heart, intuition, and be strong enough to embrace yourself, and become more and more your true self. Its honestly the most fulfilling thing in the world ! Be inspired by others, but never try to be someone else completely, and certainly, don’t try to steal people’s ideas and pass them off for your own, and in fact, let me give respect and appreciation to some of those people who were such a positive inspiration to me.

People like Durianrider for example, someone who has made mistakes enough to receive so much hate, but also someone who is unique and positive in his own ways too, whose advice is so goddamn positive because it actually does work, that so many people choose not to give credit because of the bad decisions he’s made. People are quick to discredit others, and hide their positives, especially if other’s have so much potential to become something. Having potential, makes others feel uncomfortable about themselves. So I say Fuck it, I encourage DR to improve on his weaknesses, but also have so much respect for giving advice I took and used to improve my life and I’m better because of it. Again, fuck public perspection. People love to hate. Some people only feel good, when people better than them are struggling. Some people are so pathetic they are only feeling good when someone else has to suffer or have a worse life. I rather focus on his positive qualities and encourage him to work on his negative. I’ll always give credit when ideas aren’t my own, and it’s pitiful to see when some pathetic betas out there steal ideas and pass them off as their own, pitiful ! Never be some double ! Be the original, best version of you !

Still got a long way to go. Conditioning is more maintenance now. Tricking sessions are consistently great, even at the end of a week after 3 days training in a row before it … at the least I can still throw snapus and 12s and dubs, even when I’m kind of feeling tired and sore from how intense life is .. ^_^

I’m super proud of myself and supper happy and grateful for life, and I spend my time encouraging the next gens to really focus on their strenghts and weaknesses and push themselves and to do more, faster, better and stronger and it’s been such a bright joy being able to witness people evolve before my eyes. Life is so beautiful and wonderful, and it’s always a shame to find out when people choose to suck or perpetuate some of the worst aspects of life, but I learned again to break free from societal norms and chose to do the opposite of selling my soul to get ahead but instead to place the value of my soul so fucking high that the few people who are fortunate enough to get my 100% are those I get to have the best relationships with and we get to truly value each other for who we truly are. Definitely wouldn’t be where I am if it weren’t for some amazing people who inspired me in life ^_^

Anyways, go out and be the big dawg alpha male/female champ you can be ~ Fuckin eh ~!

- David