Update 17 - Corona Virus / Tricking Events / Knee hurts lol - March 16th 2020
Next update since it’s been a while !
Maintenance level of strength training .. tricking 3x a week ..
I’ve made the mistake of tricking 4x a week with conditioning 1x a week, that 1 extra day of training and 1 less day of rest is definitely impactful, I’ve learned from the mini lesson though, stay consistent with 3x tricks, 1x workout.
Progress has been great. I’ve gotten back all but 1 of my core power moves from 2018. Well, 2, gswitches and double A twist. In all fairness, I haven’t really trained them both, but all prior, and some new of my “power” tricks have come back to me, which is nice.
If I don’t stay consistent, I lose feeling over time. Power isn’t always the factor, it’s like a mixture of confidence, comfortability, technique, and strength. The more often I train my skills, the more reliable they are over time. I adapt to performing them more optimally, but again, only a consistent training schedule allows for this.
It’s been about 6 months since I’ve got this training schedule. It includes a balance of working, training but I haven’t done much travelling since Hooked. Overall I’m grateful that my progress is back on an incline, however..
Corona Virus hit, and now GoodLife is closed temporarily, gatherings are cancelled left right n center, and my freakin knee hurts !
I guess I’m just going to use this as an opportunity to maybe work extra, rest a bit from a really good half year of solid training, heal up and wait for things to blow over, so I can return to life when it’s ready !
I haven’t stopped collecting the old, new and creating my own style in tricks, overall I’m happy with slow yet consistent progress. I appreciate the life I have going on, and I’m looking forward to the future !
- D