Update 24 - First Muscle Tear Ever - 4/29/2021

On something as simple as Aerial too !

It was my 2nd day training in a row. Which I felt I needed to do, just because at tournaments, often they are 2 days back to back needing to trick, and so training myself to trick two days in a row is an essential skill I’ve lacked and really need to build.

Honestly the session started off good. Sure I wasn’t 100% going into it, but my basics felt good, I felt I was warmed up and loose enough, but I guess maybe I didn’t stretch a certain part of my leg correctly because I remember taking off for an Aerial and heard a loud pop.

I’ve never heard my body pop before lol. And I don’t remember there being any pain. I landed the trick, but I remember immediately just grabbing my leg and sort of stiffly began walking towards my camera.

I knew it was the end of the session for sure. I remember my leg gradually started to get stiffer and stiffer. When I got home, I immediately iced it and laid down, called off work ( thank god for sick time ) and kind of calmly just accepted it.

Trying to curl my leg was too painful, that’s the only time I felt pain. Trying to sit at my desk, kind of uncomfortable, but I didn’t really feel worried or anything. I think I’ve had so many injuries by now that when I get injured I kind of just go into a recovery mode. I’ve been in recovery mode so many times that I kind of enjoy when I’m in it.

I can sleep in, play retro video games like Legend of Dragoon, a game that requires soo much time to beat. Best played like, the entire day. There’s a kind of vibe to just playing a video game for an entire day. What choice do I have? I can’t barely even walk. It’s quite nice to find a way to pass the time and make the most of a situation.

I think I was able to walk normally the next day, but sitting really sucked. Then 1-2 days after that I could sit pretty comfortably. Went back to work. Watched some videos on rehab for hamstring tears.

A lot of quad activation helps to relax the tightness of the hamstring, apparently. I guess I can understand it. Just gradually restoring range of motion, in a way that didn’t hurt. Kind of just trying to use my leg as much as possible without pain.

I remember doing some workouts too, core and upper body was fine. Forgot when I re-introduced some half assed squats, mainly just to target quads and not activate the hamstring too much. It must have helped because I was getting better pretty quick. Diet didn’t need to change. I eat the same way if I’m sick or healthy, since the food I eat is always giving me the best recovery anyways.

About 1.5 weeks later, I felt good enough again that I could go tricking and I did and I did a c7 and I retore my injury.

This time it hurt like hell.

I remember it being WORSE than the original injury in terms of pain.

About 1.5 weeks after that ( So around 3 weeks total ) I remember I felt okay to do some tricking again. I surprised myself by training Front Side 12s !

I think 3.5 weeks total it took me to be able to trick without any pain at all, feeling confident that I was healed, though my hamstring still a bit tight.

Regardless, that’s the first muscle tear I ever got. Ended up spamming some Aerials and c7s just to celebrate afterwards !